California to hold First Auction of GHG Emission Allowances on November 14, 2012

Bill AB 32 requires California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The cap and trade regulation (“Regulation”) is a key element of California’s climate plan. The Regulation is designed to provide regulated entities with the flexibility to seek out and implement the lowest cost options to reduce emissions.  California’s cap and trade program will be second in size only to the European Union’s Emissions Trading System based on the amount of emissions covered. In addition to driving emission cuts in the ninth largest economy in the world, California’s program will provide critical experience in how an economy-wide cap and- trade system can function in the United States.

It is anticipated that California’s emissions trading system will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from regulated entities by more than 16% between 2013 and 2020. Starting on January 1, 2013, the Regulation will apply to large electric power plants and large industrial plants. In 2015, it will extend to fuel distributors (including distributors of heating and transportation fuels). At that stage, the program will encompass around 360 businesses throughout California and nearly 85% of the state’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

Under a cap and trade system, companies must hold enough emission allowances to cover their emissions, and are free to buy and sell allowances on the open market.  As part of the cap and trade program, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) will hold allowance auctions to allow market participants to acquire allowances directly from ARB.  ARB will conduct the first auction on November 14, 2012 from 10am to 1pm PST.  ARB will also conduct the first quarterly reserve sale on March 8, 2013. Auction participants will have to apply to participate in an auction, or submit a bid for reserve sales, and meet financial regulatory requirements in order to participate in an auction or reserve sale.

The November 14th auction will mark the beginning of the first greenhouse gas cap and trade program in the United States since the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap and trade program for power plants in nine northeastern US states, held its first auction in 2008.

California covered entities, opt-in covered entities, and voluntarily associated entities are eligible to participate in the November 2012 GHG allowance auction. Approved offset registries, verification bodies, and offset verifiers are not eligible to participate in auctions as they are not allowed to hold compliance instruments under the Regulation. Prior to participating in an auction, the Primary Account Representative (PAR) and Alternate Account Representative (AAR) that will be authorized to bid on behalf of entities eligible to participate in the auction must be approved users in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS) and the entity must have an entity account in the CITSS.

The detailed auction requirements and instructions are available online

California Completes Successful Trial Auction for Cap-and-Trade Program


In advance of the November 2012 launch of California’s carbon trading scheme, the state’s Air Resources Board (ARB) completed in August a successful trial of its carbon allowance auction system, where companies pretended to bid for carbon allowances in order to test out the system ahead of its official launch on November 14, 2012.  According to ARB officials, the trial auction ran smoothly, with approximately 150 companies submitting bids during the simulation.

Following the roll out of the platform in November, more than 400 companies will be able to buy and sell carbon credits through quarterly auctions.  From 2013, a statewide cap on carbon emissions will be imposed. This cap will be gradually lowered year-on-year, thus providing companies with a financial incentive to curb their greenhouse gas emissions.

Under the planned scheme, companies will need to hold carbon allowances to cover their own emissions and they will be required to purchase additional allowances if they exceed their cap. In the first year of the scheme, the ARB plans to give away the vast majority of credits and auction only 10% in order to put a price on carbon. However, the amount of free carbon allowances will be reduced each year so that by 2020, 50% of allowances will be auctioned, providing a clear price signal for firms to invest in low emission technologies.