Québec announces greenhouse gas reduction target of 20% by 2020

On November 23, 2009, Premier Jean Charest unveiled Québec’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by the year 2020. By targeting a 20% reduction below 1990 levels, Québec has set a goal similar to the target established by the European Union. Québec currently hold the best GHG emissions record in Canada, which is approximately eleven tons per capita, half of the Canadian average. With a -20% target by 2020, Québec will have the smallest level of emissions per capita in North America.

From the government’s perspective, achieving this goal will depend on the introduction of a GHG cap and trade system in 2012. Therefore Québec took an important step in June 2009 when the National Assembly unanimously passed new draft legislation for climate change. Through this legislation, Québec will contribute to implementing the largest planned GHG cap and trade system in North America, which it is currently being developed by partners of the Western Climate Initiative.

With just a few weeks to go before the December 2009 climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, Québec is taking a strong leadership stand on this key issue. Perhaps the federal government will take notice and assume a leadership role of its own.

Press release Link:
